Which Digital Marketing Platform is Right For My Business?

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We cannot deny the power of Social Media Marketing or Digital Marketing nowadays. Many business owners have the same question in mind when it comes to this topic – which digital marketing platform is right for my business?

Choosing the right social network is crucial if you decide to use social media in marketing your business online. Almost everyone has their social media account and spend an average of four hours a day online.

This article will talk about different marketing channels that will create brand awareness for your business. The social media platform is an example of great marketing tools.

You need to consider these three important things when you are choosing the best social network for your business.

  1. Is your customer online in your chosen platform? You need to identify where your target customers are. Build a community where they are and establish a relationship with them. Guide them to achieve the goal that you have from the very start.
  2. What skills do you have? Every social media network need a different set of skills, and you must understand what are your challenges and will you match up with each network.
  3. Which social media will you use? It is common knowledge that if you enjoy something, you can do it a lot better. Know what you enjoy using. Which networks work well for you?

Why is it wise to go for Digital Platform Marketing?

Social Media – there is no way you have not heard of it yet. For many years, social media has completely changed the internet. It has changed the whole world, including the world of marketing. Here are some of the practical reasons why your business has to start utilizing these new forms of communication as soon as possible.

  1. It allows the business to showcase their brands. Social media offers enough marketing channels for creating brand awareness, relationship-building, or driving new sales. Most of the social media platforms are free, which is also one of the reasons why you need to use it.
  2. You can develop a reliable community. People enjoy being part of a business that is proactively a lively community. With this kind of online community, you can establish an emotional connection for your company and your target audience. This factor is essential for your long-term success.
  3. Improve customer service. Social media is a great feedback source. It makes communication easier and increases brand trustworthiness.
  4. Increase digital presence. Interacting in a social network can significantly increase your online visibility. Social media leads to massive exposure to its worldwide access, sharing capabilities due to the number of daily users.
  5. Boost traffic or search engine rating – Social media is a significant lead generator. It continually brings a large volume of traffic to your website. They can also help with SEO since search engine reflects your content. You can ask your local SEO provider to create a marketing campaign for you that will be sent in an email.
  6. Expand sales and gain a new audience. Listening to your prospects in social networks can help you understand your audience’s specific needs. This will increase the company’s revenue and will also expand your customer’s base.
  7. Save in marketing cost – compared to other marketing platforms like printed advertising; social media marketing is affordable for every business. Remember, these platforms are free.

What are the Different Digital Marketing Platforms?

There are a number of social media platforms out there that companies and marketers need to look . Their choice of the right platforms will influence the way on how they interact with their customers. What kind of content do they need to create, do they need to reach them via email, or can they send them a text message.

Content marketing has to have photos that will describe the product that you are trying to market. Is your audience willing to share their information like their email address? Digital marketing is a robust marketing tool if you know the right social media platforms for your business.

Let us get started with our discussion on what are these. Let us figure out which social media platforms will help you with your brand. Your business does not need to be on every social media platform available in the market. You need to choose what is best for you ad develop the right content.

Ask yourself if your audience will like what they see. Are my customers on this platform? Are they reading my content? Are they reading and replying to my email?

Always have at least two to three platforms. Now, let us answer which digital marketing platform is right for my business. When you have chosen the right platform for your business, it has to be diversified, especially on the content.


This platform is non-negotiable, and every business owner should have. Instagram has a lot of active audiences, and it is the best platform to build a strong brand. In one glance alone, your audience will understand what you do, and who you are, which are great ways to showcase your business on the internet. With Instagram, you can maximize the power of Instagram Stories and Instagram DM.


This platform is audio and video combined. Your potential clients can know you well. On YouTube, people can see how you work and how they interact. YouTube content is one way to turn cold leads into warm leads.

The traffic that comes in YouTube is unparalleled. It is a significant traffic volume that offers targeted leads. It works like a search engine. Instagram where people search for hashtags and user names, and unlike on YouTube, people are physically typing in what they want to know in more than one way. The search engine function of YouTube helps you filter out your targeted clients.

YouTube also offers Analytics which allows you to understand your audience better. You can identify which other Social Media Platform does your lead comes from. You will even know which keywords did they type to find you. These factors will help you in creating compelling content that you can use for email marketing to grow your business.


Podcasting has a lot of benefits which includes customer loyalty. If a leader can spend thirty minutes listening to what you are saying, it is a good sign that this lead is loyal to you, because of this loyalty, it is easier to convert these listeners into actual buyers and clients.

You have more flexibility in podcasts in terms of the ads that you put inside. In Podcasting, it is expected that the host has their advertisements in between the clips of a specific episode. You can plug your services, and your affiliate links can sponsor you. It is excellent digital marketing to create sales.

The Podcast is the best choice for you if you are someone who does not have a lot of time but wants to create content and build a relationship with your audience.


If you a content creator or a business owner, Facebook Groups is a killer. This will enable you to stay in touch and build a strong relationship with your audience. It allows you to have more visibility in terms of who is your audience and who is in your tribe.

Again, which digital marketing platform is right for my business? That is left for you to decide. We have talked about the four major ones. It is imperative to be on multiple digital marketing platforms so that your audience can stay connected with you and for you to build those relationships outside of your leading platform continuously.

You can also look for a digital marketing company that can do both effective marketing campaigns and email marketing. Please join us on our next topic.

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