10 Tips to Boost Your Website Conversions with Copywriting

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If you run a B2B or B2C website, your primary goal must be to get conversions. After all, what’s the meaning of a website that can’t convert.

Copywriting is a very strong part of your content marketing strategy that can significantly improve the value of your campaigns and encourage readers to convert. In addition, your copy can greatly impact your overall website optimisation process.

In short, your aim should be to have a powerful copy that can help improve your website or marketing conversion rates.

In this article, we will discuss some tips on how you can prepare a great copy and use it to improve conversions. But, first things first.

What’s Copywriting?

Copywriting refers to the act of writing a text (copy) for a specific purpose, generally for advertising or online marketing. A copy is written for the end-user and with the aim to make them take an action. It can be anything, from business website content, articles/blogs and other text written for a specific target audience.

Why Your Copy Needs to be Powerful

Did you know most visitors leave a website or web page within just 10 to 20 seconds? That’s the time it takes for a visitor to figure out whether a website is useful for him or not.

Most visitors don’t read more than 20 percent of your page content before leaving it. That’s because your content (copy) is either not interesting or not useful/relevant for them.

And this is how the bounce rate of your website increases and the conversion rate drops.

Whether you are writing a copy for an ad, a sales page, an email, or even your website, effective and user-focused content will make all the difference between whether it converts or not.

What can you do to improve your copy?

Well, you have to make sure that your website copy is written to be impressive, informative, useful and relevant and must be able to grab the user’s attention and inspire action in order to boost your conversion rate.

How do you do that?

Well, that’s what we are going to discuss here today.

1. Speak to Your Audience

Well, that’s something very obvious. But, many copywriters and marketers still ignore the importance of this point.

When writing a copy, you should write for your target audience and speak directly to them, and not about them. Use “you” and “your” in your text, rather than third person, as often as possible. Make the reader feel like the copy is written for him/her only and speaks directly to him. Better, if you could talk about how your product or service is designed specifically for that user and how it can help him do something (whatever your product/service does) efficiently or help with his particular situation.

When a text is written for the customer, it has the power to make a sale.

2. Keep your Copy short

No user has the time or patience to read a long text, containing paragraph after paragraph, only to reach the same conclusion – why they should buy your product.

So, just cut it short and get to the main point as soon as you can. Make sure to put a very strong text at the start and end, as this is what people will remember the most when recalling your text. Include a proper yet brief introduction at the beginning, telling readers what they should expect from the content.

Put your focus on keeping the text short and personalised to the reader.

3. Know and address the user’s concern

Before you start writing a copy, make sure that you have a clear idea of what your target users want or what their goals are.

It’s important, therefore, to research your target audience to know what kind of queries they are making in search engines, the product/service they are already using and the issue they are facing with other products, what they expect from your product/service or what they expect to get from doing business with you.

Then, use this data to address the particular concerns of your users, tell them how your product/service can help them complete a task more efficiently.

4. Optimize the text

Once you’re done writing, proofread and check the text multiple times to find and correct errors like typos and grammatical mistakes (if any). Make sure that the text is easy to read and has no complex words, jargon, excessive punctuation, long paragraphs, etc.

Use targeted keywords wherever possible in the content, but do not overdo.

Keep the tone conversational and avoid passive sentences. Write attractive and catchy headlines/titles, as this is the first thing a visitor will notice. 90% of visitors leave a website if they do not find the title interesting enough. So, keep the text interesting and engaging from start to end.

5. Describe your Product/Service

Don’t be shy when it comes to telling people about your product or service. In fact, be as descriptive as you can when explaining your product in your copy.

Users need to know about your product before they can make a decision to buy it. Tell them what your product is, how it solves the particular problem of a user, how it can benefit them or help do a particular task more efficiently, and so on.

Explain the product features & benefits in reference to a particular target audience when writing a copy.

6. Use Facts & Figures

Readers love numbers. It shows them the figures used in the text are genuine and verifiable. Try to include specific figures and numbers in your content. For example, instead of writing ‘mobile traffic increased’, write ‘mobile traffic increased by 32 percent’ for a better and long-term impact.

Don’t be afraid of telling the readers just how much profit or value (in numbers) they can expect to get from your product/service.

In addition, try and include an exact product price in your copy. Most of the users that will read your text might already have a predetermined budget or amount they are going to spend on this particular product. So, by including price, you’ll help them make a quick decision.

Also, the brands that avoid being upfront about their prices usually have something to hide, or at least that’s what most readers will think.

7. Add Humour and Emotions

When writing a copy, always keep in mind that you’re talking to an actual person, which means you should try and take advantage of readers’ emotions, in a positive way.

Science tells us that the buying process is greatly affected by the buyer’s emotions. In other words, the buyer’s emotions will play a crucial part in whether or not a sale is concluded.

So, what you can do is try and touch the emotional part of the reader’s brain with your text. Put yourself in the buyer’s shoes and try to figure out what your product/service means to them, how much they want it, how they can benefit from it and what may inspire to speed up their decision.

Selling a shoulder bag? Tell the reader how having it will make them feel more confident as well as stylish.

8. Tell a Story

The stories are great. They are interesting, engaging, and most of all, a powerful way to communicate. Moreover, users love it when a brand uses stories to convey its messages.

Surely, you must have a success story related to your product or service, a detailed review by a happy customer, or anything else. Even if you don’t, it’s not difficult to create a story imagining how your product will help change the life of a user and make them shine.

Even if you are writing a copy for a display ad or something like it, you can use pictorial stories to convey your message in a more clear and interesting way.

9. Use Pictures

Pictures are even better than stories when you are looking to convey a short and to-the-point message to the reader.

You must have seen the pictorial ads of weight loss supplements through before and after photos. The same thing you can try if your product/service is similar or related. Besides that, a picture with a tagline can say more than what can ever convey through long written texts.

Even if you’re writing a long-form copy for a website or blog, using relevant stock photos to break up your content can be a nice way to maintain interest and boost engagement.

10. Show Proof

One of the best ways to convince a new user to try your product/service is to show them the examples of other users who have already tried and benefited from it.

You can put snapshots of reviews and testimonials from your satisfied customers in your sales copy. The more positive reviews your brand/product has, the more likely it is to impress more new users to buy and try.


Writing a great copy is not just important but essential if you want to convince a target user to buy. The design is just one part of your ad or sales copy, words are what makes the actual impact.

And it’s very much possible, in fact easy, to write a great sales copy with these tips. You just have to make sure that your words resonate with readers’ needs, desires & expectations.

Need help? Hire an expert copywriter with Proven Digital, or learn the secrets of professional copywriting with our team. Contact us today! Proven Digital is a certified and highly trusted digital agency based in Sydney, Australia that delivers curated digital solutions & strategies to help businesses grow online.

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